Trump May Come Back As Democrats Have Nothing To Offer To The Majority

That in the photo is Biden with union workers doing a photo op a few months earlier. And just a few days ago he has been saying that ‘labor built America’… US Federal Reserve says its goal is ‘to get wages down’ …and that’s his Fed Chair, trying to push down wages for everyone by … Read more

Is there any difference between Trump and Biden?

Trump and Biden - differences

Update 26 Apr 2024: As the 2024 election closes in, the Biden administration starts making hollow promises that it doesn’t need to fulfill as it does not have the majority to push anything in the Houses or the Senate. Things that they could have pushed for when they took over but avoided doing anything about … Read more

Trump 2020 Campaign is preparing to lie by copying Britain’s Tory Party – Democrats must be prepared

Trump is preparing to lie

The game is afoot Examine the below gem, which made the waves in media yesterday: Steve Bannon: ‘We’ve turned the Republicans into a working-class party’ Out of the blue, prominent Trump surrogate Bannon has claimed that GOP is now a working class party. Join My Mailing List Here: Ozgur Zeren’s Mailing List (you will also … Read more