We Can Build a Better Future

Build a better future

In modern Western societies, everything looks to be going downhill at the moment wherever you look. Poverty, inequality, homelessness, social discord — everything seems to be going down to hell at breakneck speed. It’s easy to take a look at this situation and lose heart — like how any sane, intelligent person would do. Join … Read more

How should we remember Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro

Well… We can start by remembering him as the person who turned Cuba from a casino and whorehouse for US rich (especially Mafia) to a modern society in which ordinary citizens have social services and guarantees no less than the ones in Scandinavian countries despite total economic blockade causing lack of resources and consumer items … Read more

Is Che Guevara overrated

Che Guevara

A recurring question. Mostly voiced by his or his ideology’s opponents, but a question nonetheless. It is also a question which is easily addressed by looking at through various incidents in his lifetime and his choices: Join My Mailing List Here: Ozgur Zeren’s Mailing List (you will also get updates when a new posts are … Read more

Help liberate the Economy, Help liberate Yourself : Buy from Cooperatives


Buying from cooperatives is one of the smartest and easiest methods which all of us can use to transform our economy today. It brings real change, in the best and fastest manner possible. Moreover, buying from cooperatives have massive advantages for your purse and your own life standards. It sounds too ‘magical’ to be true, … Read more

Mike Moritz is objectively wrong by saying that Silicon Valley should emulate Chinese ‘hard work’ ethic


Moreover, he is also statistically wrong, and the obsessive-compulsive workaholic mindset he mistakes for ‘ethics’ is perilous, as the case of Japan demonstrates: Karōshi — Wikipedia ‘Karoshi’: 20% of Japanese employees risk death from overwork, survey shows Join My Mailing List Here: Ozgur Zeren’s Mailing List (you will also get updates when a new posts are out) … Read more