Capitalism is religion

Capitalism is religion

Just check out its core philosophy, with its core terms in bold wording: The invisible hand of the free market governs everything and the hardworking get prosperous while the lazy suffer poverty. Sounds pretty familiar and very rational, doesn’t it… Join My Mailing List Here: Ozgur Zeren’s Mailing List (you will also get updates when … Read more

Is Capitalism morally justifiable

Have a look below and think: Capitalism, in a nutshell. Those who defend it will try justifying the above picture by trying to claim that people on the left are an ‘exception‘, and the people on the right are ‘exceptional‘. Join My Mailing List Here: Ozgur Zeren’s Mailing List (you will also get updates when … Read more

Are the Rich selfish

Only for the rich

First we need to define the ‘rich’. Though there is indeed a rising level of evil as you go towards the top, the level of evil at each level differs. There are 3 major classifications of ‘rich’: Upper Middle and Lower Upper class professionals, businessmen etc. These people think they are ‘rich’ – compared to the … Read more

Does Capitalism work only for those who have money

Only for the rich

But of course it does. It’s named after capital – Capital-ism, after all. Capitalism is the system in which capital is not restricted or capped. It can increase to an infinite size if it can, and also one single person can own all the capital in the world. Its unlimited in regard to concentration of wealth. … Read more