Could Nazi Germany conquer Britain in World War II

Armored Lorry

When we look into the reality on the ground circa the time period when Operation Sea Lion was supposed to happen, we see that if attempted the invasion, Germany would have lost a noticeable portion of its force over a rather costly, but not too costly invasion operation. They would have taken over Britain without … Read more

The appeasement policy of British towards Nazi Germany wasn’t actually appeasement

Appeasement Policy - or was it

We see the word appeasement being used in dealings of British government with Nazi Germany, and we are told that this was a ‘mistake’ which helped Nazis to eventually do what they did. But… When we look into the actual chronology of events, actual statements, dealings in between countries and resulting geopolitical changes, the picture … Read more

Could World War II be won without United States?

A major question, a major discussion topic. Much contention. All kinds of approaches exist for this topic, as well as all kinds of counter arguments to all kinds of propositions. Many of the arguments are colored either by existing national or social biases, and many of them are colored by propaganda – be it World … Read more