Capitalism is religion

Capitalism is religion

Just check out its core philosophy, with its core terms in bold wording: The invisible hand of the free market governs everything and the hardworking get prosperous while the lazy suffer poverty. Sounds pretty familiar and very rational, doesn’t it… Join My Mailing List Here: Ozgur Zeren’s Mailing List (you will also get updates when … Read more

Why Capitalism did not lift Africa, South America or other 3rd world countries out of poverty

It has been many decades since African countries have become independent and adopted the very Capitalist economic model of their former colonizers. They were supposed to prosper, raise their life standards, get out of 3rd world status. Even further, South American countries have been independent close to two centuries, and not only they exactly copied … Read more

Why does Silicon Valley get a pass on inequality compared to Wall Street

Silicon Valley vs Wall Street

It’s not complicated… Let’s check out a few reasons: Silicon Valley still has upward mobility – 2 guys in a uni dorm can still make something and it may become big. Join My Mailing List Here: Ozgur Zeren’s Mailing List (you will also get updates when a new posts are out) Silicon Valley has a … Read more

Major “Free Market” Myths

Wall Street

In our modern capitalist economies, the establishment heavily advocates various concepts which validate the system as facts, along with many about the ‘Free Market’. Like, how things will ‘just’ happen ‘by themselves’. Or, the ‘market’ will ‘fix everything’. Join My Mailing List Here: Ozgur Zeren’s Mailing List (you will also get updates when a new … Read more

The appeasement policy of British towards Nazi Germany wasn’t actually appeasement

Appeasement Policy - or was it

We see the word appeasement being used in dealings of British government with Nazi Germany, and we are told that this was a ‘mistake’ which helped Nazis to eventually do what they did. But… When we look into the actual chronology of events, actual statements, dealings in between countries and resulting geopolitical changes, the picture … Read more

Industrial Revolution wasn’t rosy

We are told about all these wonderful and social advances during and as a result of industrial revolution, and a rosy picture is being painted in which all segments of the society benefited from. The reality is different – British government issued enclosure acts to shut down commons – rivers, forests, common land to peasants … Read more

Examples of rich people totally out of touch with reality

Reality: Woman Juggling 4 Jobs Dies While Napping In Car Out of touch Billionaire: Join My Mailing List Here: Ozgur Zeren’s Mailing List (you will also get updates when a new posts are out) Watch This Profusely Oblivious Billionaire Question Why People Are So Unhappy (VIDEO) “What’s remarkable is the amount of anger. Whether it’s … Read more

Corporate Tyranny

Corporate Tyranny

Corporate Tyranny is one or more private large shareholders totally dictating entire policy of a massive organization like corporation. There is no democratic mechanism, no participation, no kind of decision power in anyone else. Majority shareholder dictates entire policy ranging from what to produce, how, where to sell to who is hired and who is … Read more

Who started World War II

Mussolini and Hitler

The root cause of world war II is industrial and imperialist circles in the west fostering and backing fascist movements outside and inside their own countries in order to ward off the demands which were placed on them by the public due to the results of great depression. Better wages, better working conditions were demanded, … Read more

The biggest threat to society in the next decades

The ticking bomb of inequality

…is, Inequality: Inequality is created through Capitalism’s wealth concentration mechanic: Wealth is already concentrated quite a lot and the majority of the population doesn’t have enough disposable income to spend on purchasing goods or services.  Join My Mailing List Here: Ozgur Zeren’s Mailing List (you will also get updates when a new posts are out) … Read more